GCal: The Super Glue of Life

The Google Calendar Logo
Google Calendar – you know her, you love her. Let’s talk about her! Alice Oh and Yumi Tallud have the story.
GCal: The Super Glue of Life

YUMI TALLUD: There are few things more beautiful in life than a well-organized Google Calendar. I’m talking different calendars for each kind of event, color coded, and logged down to the minute.

ALICE OH: You can easily set time-sensitive notifications and invite your friends to youradjustable events with just a click-and-drag.

YT: You can track literally my entire life by looking at my Google Calendar. It reminds me of that thing that people say about astrological charts – you can learn maybe a little too much about me just by reading my GCal. But I can’t imagine living without her. She’s become the backbone of my life at this point. Wherever the little boxes on my GCal tell me to go, I go – no questions asked.

AO: If GCal is Yumi’s backbone, she’s my Gorilla Super Glue. She binds the scattered pieces of my life together into one cohesive whole and keeps it so well-attached there’s no shot it’ll fall apart. It even lasts forever.

AO: For Bienen sophomore Kaylin Chung, the convenience of GCal’s online format allows her to keep track of every little detail of her day.

KAYLIN CHUNG: For classes, anything work-related that I need to schedule, or
even if I’m getting, like, dinner with a friend, I write that down as well. It’s very
convenient for me to have, because I’m more of, like, a computer type of person, like I like to type things out and have everything on a clear schedule. And I like how I can just, like, move it around when I need to so it’s easier. I think it’s the most simple way to organize your schedule.

YT: Like Alice said – just like superglue, GCal lasts forever. Here’s Comm senior Aditi Ram.

ADITI RAM: Honestly, like, I’ll forget, like, what I’ve done in a week and I have to, like, go back in my GCal to see like, oh what did I have scheduled there?

YT: Not everyone is a GCal fan, though.

AO: Weinberg and Bienen senior Khoi Le favors GCal over similar applications for its highly collaborative features and widespread usage.

KHOI LE: ‘Cause everybody sends the meetings through Google Calendar now, so I’ll get those, it’s like peer pressure. Notion… I feel like I tried to set that all up and then I… I think what’s so good about Google Calendar is like, it’s like, everybody uses it. So it’s like, It’s the one that everybody’s on, y’know?

YT: Khoi wasn’t kidding. People really do give into the peer pressure of Google Calendar invites. Here’s Weinberg junior Maya Ramos, who, instead of GCal, uses a running Google Doc.

MAYA RAMOS: It shows up on my Google and then I’m like, oh nice, wow, this is what a great reminder, but I mostly just accept things because like other people are using Google Calendar. So I’m like, OK, if this means something to you, yes.

YT: Everyone’s got their own way of organizing their life. Notion, planners, even Google Docs.

AO: One thing’s for certain: GCal is here to stay.

AO: For WNUR News, I’m Alice Oh.

YT: And I’m Yumi Tallud.