TBD and Neo-Futurism

The Northwestern neo-futurist-inspired performance group TBD has a show this weekend. But, what is neo-futurism? Reporter Ella Barnes has more.
TBD and Neo-Futurism

TBD follows three rules of neo-futurism: They adhere to strict time constraints, are always themselves, and don’t lie. The members write their own plays based on their lives. They run between 30 seconds to three minutes, and range from serious to hilarious. Senior group member Lola Bodé explains,

LOLA BODÉ: The whole idea is that while you’re in a neo-futurist space, you don’t subscribe to the idea of suspending disbelief. 

No show is ever the same – the audience randomizes the order of the plays with a gameboard onstage. This can lead to emotional whiplash. The group embraces it.

Their newest show, “TBD Presents: We Got a Dog” plays in Fisk 217 this weekend.

Ella Barnes, WNUR News. 

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